
The content and products on our website are provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis, reflecting the author's opinions. It's essential to conduct your research and verify information from multiple sources, especially concerning health matters. Always consult your healthcare provider before using any protocols mentioned on our website or in our products. Neither ClickBank nor the author provides medical advice, and their endorsement of views expressed herein should not be assumed. The terms of use outlined in this Agreement govern your use of the DentiCore Site, subject to periodic modifications.

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DentiCore does not control or endorse third-party information, products, or services on the Internet. While efforts are made to ensure the Site's security, DentiCore cannot guarantee freedom from harmful code. Users are responsible for data accuracy and maintaining backups.

You assume all risks associated with using the Site and the Internet. DentiCore provides the Site and related information "AS IS," without warranties. The Internet contains unedited materials, and DentiCore is not responsible for their content.

DentiCore limits its liability for damages arising from the use of the Service. Links to non-DentiCore websites do not imply endorsement or responsibility for their content.

You agree to indemnify DentiCore and its affiliates against losses resulting from any violation of this Agreement. Third-party beneficiaries may enforce certain provisions of this Agreement.

Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time. Certain provisions, including copyright and indemnification, survive termination.

This Agreement is governed by US law, with disputes subject to the jurisdiction of US courts. Legal actions must be initiated within one year of the claim's arising. DentiCore may assign its rights and duties under this Agreement without notice.

Some names and testimonials on our website have been altered to protect individuals' anonymity. No identification with actual persons or products is intended or should be inferred.

Any rights not explicitly granted are reserved.