Terms & Conditions

This Agreement serves as the comprehensive set of terms and conditions governing your interactions with our website, encompassing activities such as joining, buying, bidding, selling, and all other engagements within our platform. By accessing or making transactions on our website, you are acknowledging your acceptance and commitment to adhere to these terms of use.

This Agreement represents the entirety of the understanding between you and us, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations, warranties, or understandings regarding the Site, its content, and associated computer programs. We reserve the right to amend this Agreement at our discretion, with such changes taking effect immediately upon posting on the Site. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to review the Agreement periodically to stay informed of any updates.

Key provisions within this Agreement pertain to the use of the Site and prohibitions on certain actions. For instance, users must be legally capable of forming binding contracts, be at least 18 years of age, and not be suspended from using our services. Furthermore, actions such as posting inappropriate content, collecting personal information without consent, or manipulating prices are strictly prohibited.

In order to complete the signup process, users must provide accurate personal information, including full legal name, current address, and a valid email address. It is imperative that users ensure the security of their passwords and take responsibility for all activities conducted under their accounts. Additionally, transmission of harmful code, such as worms or viruses, is strictly forbidden.

The Agreement also outlines payment terms and processes, including the discretion of the website regarding payment methods, invoicing, and the right to cancel or deny orders. Late payment penalties may be imposed under certain circumstances, as detailed in the Agreement.

Risk of loss for items purchased through the website is transferred to the buyer upon delivery to the carrier, as specified in the shipment contract.

We retain the right to edit, delete, or modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. Your continued participation in our program, as well as visits and transactions on our site, signify your acceptance of any such changes.

Furthermore, you acknowledge that all rights, titles, and interests in the website belong to us, and you agree not to infringe upon these rights. We reserve the right to take legal action against any fraudulent activities detected on our site.

This Agreement is governed by the substantive laws of the USA, with any disputes subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of US courts. Any invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be interpreted to the maximum extent permitted by law, with the remainder of the Agreement remaining valid and enforceable.

The privacy policy is an integral part of this Agreement, and any use of our website is subject to its terms and conditions.

Lastly, this Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between you and us regarding the use of our website, superseding any prior agreements or understandings.